The Rotary Club of Alderwood-Terrace is proud of our long history and strong commitment of serving the needs of our friends and neighbors in and around Alderwood-Terrace. We are focused on improving the health and wellness of children and families, supporting students in their education and extra-circular activities as well as preserving the unique and neighborly culture of Alderwood-Terrace.

Back to School Shopping Event
Each August, before school starts, JcPenney at Alderwood Mall opens its doors early on a Sunday morning to allow us to take kids in need shopping for back-to-school clothing. We know that fitting in with their peers gives kids one less thing to worry about during the school day, so this event is incredibly important because this is their turn to choose the clothes they like. This year we were able to serve 60 kids from local schools, many of them struggling with consistent housing or stable home lives.
It is a truly amazing thing to see kids’ eyes light up, get something that fits them and help them have some pride going back to school so they can continue to grow and learn. We are always looking for volunteers for this project and once you do it, it will be on your calendar every year!

Sharing Tree at Alderwood Mall
For 30 years plus, we hosted the Sharing Tree at Alderwood Mall. We were posted in front of Macy’s in the middle of the mall shortly after Thanksgiving to start accepting gifts for the holiday season to get them into the hands of kids, teens and seniors in our area. These gifts are distributed through other non-profits in the community with our long-term infrastructure and partnerships. Unfortunately, most of these services need the gifts in November before the giving starts. So many years we are the storage warehouse for these gifts to make sure the timing is right for distribution to the community. Our spot is now used by Washington Kids in Transition, an organization we are proud to support. Look for their tree and continue this tradition.

Project Playground Peru
Alderwood Rotarians undertook a project to build a playground for an elementary school in Peru. The Club allocated $10,000 and Rotarians traveled 5,900 miles to the site and were able to complete the project in just four days.

The Homework Center
Many times, kids in our school district are unable to excel at their homework without additional assistance or help with their language. For many years we ran a Homework Center at Terrace Park Elementary. There, volunteers helped and assisted with math, science and English as a Second Language. Many times, the entire family took part and we helped everyone make strides towards a better connection with their world.